7 Best Apps To Make Money With a Pickup Truck
7 Best Apps To Make Money With a Pickup Truck
Sharetown has informed me they are growing quickly and still need lots of drivers
➡ Sign up here https://sharetown.sjv.io/vNeZ5j
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Whether you’re looking to supplement your junk removal business, searching for a pickup truck side hustle, or simply wanting to make use of your truck’s capabilities, this video will cover the 7 best apps to sign up for to make some extra cash with your truck.
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#sidehustleideas #sidehustle #junkremovalbusiness #junkremoval #pickuptruck #gigapps
Terrible reviews for all but two apps
while i appreciate learning about all of the alternatives in the world , uship remains the best in my honest opinion . big fan . – RSST .
Excellent presentation! Thanks!
Load up pay sucks
Thanks Tim. I think it might be time to put my Tacoma to use.
Roadie is horrible in most cities/urban areas. It will start out with solid rates and then quickly lowers. The FB and Reddit groups confirm this.
Anyone use bungee?
are any of these aviliable in canada
Which ones is the best in Canada sir ❤❤❤
Do you need a llc?
Any suggestions for canada as all app for USA
5:23 yeah i have a commercial dolly that doubles as a container chassis in my back yard…
And on the LoadUp app, you are required to have a helper for loads. Didn’t mention that did you dude you need to do your research before u go wasting peoples time
All I get is wait listed
I love how you touched on NONE of the requirements for these different apps despite claiming to have access to thousands of drivers. Half of these require DOT numbers, others require your vehicle to be a certain year or newer.
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good video but you speak very fast like a comet, speak slowly man👍
Curri requires a DOT number though….I’m still learning the ropes of making money in transportation gigs, currently just doing roadie. Even though my truck is under the GVWR required for a DOT number for interstate commerce and I don’t have a trailer, which would put me in DOT weight range. We don’t need yet another video of a list of apps, we need some entry level educational videos going into the specifics of how DOT works and where/when you need it to work on the roads, and what getting the MC/DOT registrations entails as far as the process and insurance requirements etc.
Now with curry it made me enter a new email@business name to set up a business email then goes right to sending a code to that email that the app didn’t even make dude are you like trying to screw us around and waste our time?
I drive for Veho in Denver. It’s become difficult to make good money. You can only get one route at a time now, you have to finish the first before getting a second route, and most days you won’t be able to get a second. Also, getting even that first one can be a challenge because they have more drivers than routes most days.
Most of these want a damn near new truck doesn’t help me any
Tried roadie myself and pay is a little on the short side
How do you make this video 10 months ago, and pickup.now seems out of business for 2 years?
can we use rental trucks for any of theses gigs
Curri is not taking gig drivers anymore.
which of these are available in Canada?
They don’t have curri jobs here in Florida
Roadie doesn’t pay and you can’t even log in or sign up for the load up app so that’s as far as I’ll go you suck!!!
These apps always piss me off.half the time they say they aren’t hiring in your area. Or you have to jump through hoops just to get going
What is the best app in Los Angeles CA?
Sharetown you need to have a certain amount of space
Rodie blows
Curri wants to pay $1 a mile which is trash if you bid higher you will get less trip opportunities.
I tried to sign up for sharetown last year and got denied because of a collection on my credit report. Do they still check credit to be on the platform?
I signed up with curri and they’re not here in Florida
I live 45 minutes from New Orleans with a regular 6.5 bed pickup truck. Curry has no need for me or basically won’t let me go further trying to sign up. I travel the gulfcoast but so far curry won’t let me enter stuff like that.
Are the apps available in the philippines?
Pickup was great for the 3 years I used them. But they toke away gas per diem and dropped a lot of prices. And many jobs you drive A LOT I was doing 300 miles one day sometimes but was great pay $500 a day now lucky if make $250
I’ve done some hauling a while back from Craigslist and local clients, looking to get my own truck soon and hop on a couple apps to start on the side, and 2:40 man I’m downloading and looking at reviews, some of these have like 20 ratings as if they’re brand new or nobodies on them yet, trying to thjnk what’s the Leading app, I’m in a big city so yes there’s comp but def enough work to go around.
Do all of these apps conduct criminal background checks? I know Curri does, what about the others?
F Roadie!!
Does pickup need a subscription to use?
Very good content….
Roadie wants you to drive 20 miles for $9 to $10 that’s insane!
Thank you for the info
There certain areas or county that have plenty of pickup gig. One of the best place is where I drive and do side hustle. Its Bay Area CA.
You need a dot number and I think a medical dot card once your gross weight goes over 10,001 lbs
Which ones work in Canada ?
Sadly none of these are available in my area